Press release


  • Breastfeeding and lung function at school-age: Does maternal asthma modify the effect? (press release)


  • New lung alveoli continue to form until at least adolescence and do not stop forming after 3 years of age as it was previously believed (PDF download)


  • A new statistical approach to recognise different disorders within the Leicestershire Cohorts showed that there are 3 distinct phenotypes of wheezy young children (PDF download)
  • Vaccination does not increase the risk of childhood asthma (PDF download)


  • Breastfeeding migh prevent asthma symptoms in 20% of infants (PDF download)


  • Vaccinating babies might protect them from developing asthma (PDF download


  • Almost 10% of young children snore regularly, a British study reveals for the first time. Paediatricians and parents are urged to keep a careful eye – and ear! (PDF download)


  • Frequency and severity of wheezing illness may increase with the increase of socio-economic deprivation in Caucasian preschool children in the UK (PDF download)
  • Living near busy roads might increase frequency and severity of respiratory symptoms in preshool children, especially chronic cough (PDF download)
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